Patil Sarika
Assistant Professor – Department of Electronics & Telecommunication
Sinhgad College of Engineering,
Patil Sarika has completed her PhD in Medical Image Processing under Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. She is working as an Asst. Professor at E&TC Dept. of SCOE (SPPU University), Pune. She has over 20 publications on her name in various national and international conferences and journals (SCIE, SCOPUS, SNIP and SJR Index). Her recent publication titled “Automatic Detection of COVID-19 disease detection using UNET based CNN†published in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (SCIE INDEXED JOURNAL OF ELSEVIER PUB LTD). Her research work was selected in Avishkar-2015 (a novel inter university research project competition) at Savitribai Phule Pune University level. She was invited as a keynote speaker for 2nd International Conference on Pathology and Surgical Pathology held during July 05-06, 2019 in Paris, France. (Mode of delivery-Video Presentation). She was awarded with “BEST PAPER AWARD†in industry sponsored IEEE conference at VIT, Pune, in Feb 2020. She has worked on project funded by University of Pune Rs.2,50,000 in image processing from 2009-2011.She has reviewed many articles from image processing domain for various international conferences and journal. Till now 11 students have completed their projects at master’s degree under her guidance in Image Processing and Machine Learning domain using MATLAB platform.
Research Interest
Automatic Detection of COVID-19 disease detection using UNET based CNN